Water Proofing

Joint Sealing & Caulking

Glazing & Facade

Fire Protection

Hardwood Flooring


(Bostik Waterproofing Products)

Bostik is one of the world’s leading providers of adhesive and sealant products.

With a turnover over to 1.212 billion euros in 2009. Bostik is one of the largest adhesive and sealant companies in the world today. The group designs manufacture and markets adhesives, sealants and coatings to three key sectors: Industry, Construction and Home, Office & School. Its products are used in a wide range of fields – from gas tankers and buildings to furniture.
Bostik head office is based in Paris. Operation is based in Bostik Melbourne and Bostik Sydney.

Subsidiaries such as Bostik Australia run their own business for local Industry and Construction.
Worldwide R&D teams, including Australia, account for more than 400 chemists and technicians, who are constantly focused on designing effective adhesive solutions.
Bostik employs 4,700 people in its production facilities and sales operations in about 40 countries.  The company has 57 production sites worldwide. It has two research and development centres. Ten applied research centres, that are spread over the five continents.
APTC Australia is one of Bostik Australia’s major distributors and carries many of the Bostik sealants and adhesives.

Bostik Australia


Construction Structural Grout

Flooring Preparation & Leveling

Concrete Patch & Repair


Cabinets & Woodwork